If you had created a new blog, then its not a better time to add a A.P. in your blog.Because most of the AP companies like to put their product Ads in a Well established blog. So make your blog as a famous blog, get more traffic and followers.After that add A.P’s and earn more money.

For Ex: If more than 2000 persons visit your blog a day,then the possibility of buying the A.P’s is approx 10%. So, a product which costs 10,000rs you get commission 30%. i.e 3000.

So, in 2000 persons 10% people means 200 persons buy the A.P’s.
So that you can get nearly 60000rs a day. For one month you just imagine how much your earnings will be..A.P’s really rocks!

Introduction - Monetizing

Posted by Manikandan | 23.5.09 | | 2 comments »

Nowadays,most of the bloggers are not only develop their blogs for their intended use. They also like to earn money through their blogs.I think you may heard about Google Adsense.But most of the persons don’t know about the Affiliate Programs.

Let me explain about Affiliate Programs(A.P's)

A.P’s are given by some of the big product based companies.The companies like to sell their products in Online.For this they need Publishers help. Publishers are like you and me, those who are all having Websites/Blog. The product companies will give a referred link to your blog. If the readers of your blog can click the specified link and buy the company’s product,then you may get the commission.A.P’s are better than other published N/W’s. Because the commission that you get from A.P Companies are higher than others.

Affiliate products will be differ from one blog to another.The A.P’s will selected according to your blog’s content.For me(Blogging),I am using Chitika,Textlink ads,Linkworth are some of the A.P’s.

Before adding a web counter to your site, let me explain about the importance of a Web counter. W.C’s shows the number of persons visiting that particular blog. If you get more visitors, then your webcount hit a magical visiting counts. Suppose a new person just enter your blog to browse something he needed, He have a chance to see the W.C’s. If you have some decent Web Count, then it makes a good impression about that blog’s Author and he likes to keep on visit that particular blog.

* Some of the W.C providers are;

1. Easy webcounter
2. Sitemeter
3. Histats etc

* But I preferred ‘Sitemeter’ and ‘Histats’. Because both of the providers will give you some Beautiful counters. They also allow you to
Check the No. of visitors in a particular day or for even a week.

Template Providers List

Posted by Manikandan | 23.5.09 | | 0 comments »

There are lots of Template providers in the Blogosphere.Someone can give you templates for free of cost, and someone can give you templates for some bugs. Before you can get templates from those providers you just go through that specific template to check the plus and minus of the template.

The following are some of my favourite tempalte providers:



If a home is to be look very nice, its possible only with the help of adding gadgets like Good AC,HDTV,Laptops,Home Theater etc to that home..Likewise, adding widgets to your blog or a website is going to be a beautiful work. Selecting the widget is also a competitive one.Even selecting a Feed News ,Webcounter and some graphical widgets is possible. Simply the gadget that you choose must match your blog.

Ex: If you are having blog for music,then you are going to add feed news for musical albums and add gadgets like music radio. This makes a blog very attractive. Use widgetbucks for the extreme widgets.

If we already have a nice layout in our blog, then this setup the ads process will be more easy. While adding up your ads, the format of ads must be an important thing. Because some ads will be better to add in title of the post, few adds will be better to add in middle or side of the post. So you only decide which one suits you.

1.The rectangular shaped 128 * 128 ad format gives you a nice look.

2.Also, sidebar scrappers and ads gives you a nice look.


* Select your blog template which has the option of adding ads in right side of your blog.Because, most of the readers are like to read the content in left side or middle of the page.

* Survey results also proved that the ads will get more attention to visitors(readers) only if they appear on right side.

3 and 4 Column templates

Posted by Manikandan | 23.5.09 | | 0 comments »

In general, most of the blogs are in 2 column format. This will reduce the possibility of adding more gadgets and more ads.To avoid this, Few template providers like Eblogtemplates will give you 3 column and 4 column templates.You just download the code(free of cost) and add it to your HTML template code.Before you install the new template you must save the existing template code.

I prefer to select 3 column template, Because it gives you more options to add gadgets and ads.Also the 3 column format gives you a Good look.

Ya, this sort of selection is quite interesting.There’s not a big difference b/w a dark and bright background.You need to select in such a way that the fonts size,colour and style must rightly match your template.

Ex: In My Redchillies blog, I have used a dark template.Because its suites my needs.Also,I selected some sort of mixed colors in my credit card buzz blog.So the selection option is yours.

Blogger Templates

Posted by Manikandan | 23.5.09 | | 0 comments »


Before you create a blog, 2 things are to be considered.1.Selecting the Topic or the Content of your Blog.2.Selecting Template Design For Your Blog.


Yes, Before you start a blog,you need to decide about the content of your blog.Whether it may be about your personal favourites or about sharing your thoughts through social media.The content must be Unique and should not be copied else where from the internet.

2.Template Selection:

Well,this might be a crucial one.Because, once you have selected

then you may not be able to change.Also,the options or availability of the template must be considered(layout,columns etc)

For Example:

I am using Adstheme Template from eblogtemplates.Like this you may also select templates based on your requirements.

You may also try ‘eblog templates’ premium.This may drag you to get more visitors due to its quality design.