Blogger Templates

Posted by Manikandan | 23.5.09 | | 0 comments »


Before you create a blog, 2 things are to be considered.1.Selecting the Topic or the Content of your Blog.2.Selecting Template Design For Your Blog.


Yes, Before you start a blog,you need to decide about the content of your blog.Whether it may be about your personal favourites or about sharing your thoughts through social media.The content must be Unique and should not be copied else where from the internet.

2.Template Selection:

Well,this might be a crucial one.Because, once you have selected

then you may not be able to change.Also,the options or availability of the template must be considered(layout,columns etc)

For Example:

I am using Adstheme Template from eblogtemplates.Like this you may also select templates based on your requirements.

You may also try ‘eblog templates’ premium.This may drag you to get more visitors due to its quality design.